
ESG Sustainability Education Training

SMEARCYLIC Promotes ESG: Working Together for a Sustainable Future


Did you know? If we do not take urgent action, there are only about six years left to meet the goal of keeping the global temperature rise within 1.5°C. Therefore, SMEACRYLIC is actively promoting ESG initiatives. On June 28, 2024, a series of interactive courses were held at the Yunlin Douliu factory to deepen our understanding of the importance of ESG.


Course Activity Recap


Icebreaker Activity: Each employee wrote down what they considered to be the most important goal among the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and shared their reasons for choosing it.

Board Game Experience: Through the "SDGs Task Force" game, employees learned how to promote sustainable development through both competition and cooperation.

Environmental Pollution Data Presentation: Shocking data helped us understand the current crisis faced by nature.

Corporate ESG Introduction Blueprint: A detailed overview of the company's purpose and methods for implementing ESG.

Personal Sustainable Action Plan Discussion: Employees used cards to brainstorm specific sustainable action plans.




Employee Feedback

During the session on sharing learning insights, employees expressed that they greatly benefited from the course. They gained a profound understanding of the importance of practicing ESG in both their work and personal lives.



Future Plans

SMEACRYLIC is committed to continuing its promotion of ESG-related initiatives, including:
  ◆ Setting clear carbon reduction targets 
  ◆ Increasing investment in the development of green products
  ◆ Strengthening sustainable management of the supply chain